Audience: Administrators
ADP is a Human Resource Capital Management software. OrgChart connects directly to ADP, allowing you to import data from your ADP Workforce Now, Vantage, EV5, Decidium, or Next Generation account. The following is a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to ADP's compatibility with OrgChart.
How do I set up my connection to ADP?
Click on the following link to learn how to set up an ADP connection.
Can I pull photos from ADP into my org charts?
Can I limit the fields that a user is able to pull from ADP?
What fields can I pull from ADP?
The fields OrgChart can pull from ADP vary depending upon your ADP product subscription. Click on the following links to learn about which fields can pull from ADP Workforce Now, Vantage, EV5, and Decidium.
Can I merge data from a secondary source with ADP data?
Can I embed org charts (generated from ADP data) into my intranet?
Can I add open requisitions from the ADP Workforce Now Recruitment Module or ADP Recruitment Management into my org charts?
Yes. Click on the following link to learn more about ADP Recruitment.
Can I filter which records are included in my org charts?